Just about everyone who drives a car has lost their temper with another driver at some point in their lives. But after seeing Russell Crowe lose it in the trailer for his new road rage thriller Unhinged, you’ll probably want to adopt a nicer attitude on the road.
If you’re into trailers that don’t give away the plot of the movie, then you might want to skip this one as it seems to present a basic rundown of the entire film in two and a half minutes. At the start, we see a woman (Caren Pistorius) and her young son in a car waiting at an intersection behind a pickup truck. After the truck doesn’t go when it’s his turn, the woman gets impatient, leans on her horn, and angrily zips around the truck; throwing in a rude gesture for good measure. This irks the driver of the truck (Crowe, sporting a burly physique and a redneck southern accent) who chases her down and asks her to apologize, explaining that he’s having a bad day. She refuses, which then sends Crowe’s character down an increasingly violent spiral. He follows her to a gas station, where he runs over a good Samaritan who tries to intervene. He steals her phone and uses it to locate her ex-husband (Westworld‘s Jimmi Simpson), then beats him up in a diner. He eventually tracks her to her home, where he breaks down her door with an axe and prepares to, we assume, murder her. Throughout, he keeps telling her that he’s going to show her what having a bad day is like, but we think she gets the idea pretty quickly tbh.
The whole ordeal looks pretty terrifying, and it will seriously give you some second thoughts about the way you behave in traffic. Check it out below.
Unhinged is scheduled to open in theaters on July 1, making it the first wide release of this year’s COVID-delayed summer movie season.