Comedian Kumail Nanjiani recently got jacked in order to play a Marvel superhero in the upcoming MCU film The Eternals, but it doesn’t look like that will be the end of his budding career as an action star. Nanjiani’s muscles are here to stay, and he’s showing them off in a new spread for Men’s Health in which he recreates some of our favorite action movie scenes.
In the shoot, Nanjiani becomes a number of iconic ripped movie stars. He channels Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine from The Wolverine looking intimidating, Tom Cruise’s Maverick from Top Gun during the notorious beach volleyball scene, Christian Bale’s Patrick Bateman from American Psycho getting in a habitual workout, and Bruce Willis’ John McClane crawling through the vents from Die Hard. Nanjiani’s Die Hard impersonation is especially dead on, right down to the facial expression, and it turns out that’s no accident. The actor looked to the film for inspiration for his Eternals character, Kingo.
“[Die Hard]’s life-or-death, and Eternals is life-or-death, too,” Nanjiani told Men’s Health. “I was like, ‘How can a character crack wise but still have tension, and not make it feel like you’re making fun of the whole thing?” We don’t yet know what Nanjiani’s performance in The Eternals will be like, but we can easily say that he definitely has the action star look locked down. Take a look below at his new spread.
The Eternals arrives in theaters on November 6.