The third permutation of the "CSI" franchise sets up shop in the Big Apple, where taciturn detective Mac Taylor and his new partner, Jo Danville, lead a crime-solving team. Taylor, a retired Marine who believes evidence holds the truth that people may try to cover up, finds balance in Jo's empathy-driven investigative style. Their team includes spirited investigators like Danny Messer and wife Lindsay Monroe Messer, former coroner Sheldon Hawkes, and edgy detective Don Flack.
Episodes Airing Soon
The Ripple Effect
Investigations into two seemingly unrelated murders lead to a surprising conclusion.
Tue Jan 21 @ 2:00 PM ET/PT
Flash Pop
The investigation of a lab tech's murder reveals strange similarities to a cold case from the 1950s.
Tue Jan 21 @ 3:00 PM ET/PT
Kill Screen
The CSIs suspect a murder may be related to a high-stakes video gaming tournament.
Tue Jan 21 @ 4:00 PM ET/PT
The team investigates when a body is found dismembered and left on four street corners.