The third permutation of the "CSI" franchise sets up shop in the Big Apple, where taciturn detective Mac Taylor and his new partner, Jo Danville, lead a crime-solving team. Taylor, a retired Marine who believes evidence holds the truth that people may try to cover up, finds balance in Jo's empathy-driven investigative style. Their team includes spirited investigators like Danny Messer and wife Lindsay Monroe Messer, former coroner Sheldon Hawkes, and edgy detective Don Flack.
Episodes Airing Soon
Command Plus P
When a very unusual weapon links two victims, the CSIs try to solve the puzzling mystery.
Thu Nov 21 @ 3:00 PM ET/PT
Civilized Lies
When a popular off-duty police officer is slain during a robbery, suspects are interrogated.
Thu Nov 21 @ 4:00 PM ET/PT
Nine Thirteen
The team investigates when a masked man is found at the bottom of a notorious skyscraper.
Thu Nov 21 @ 5:00 PM ET/PT
White Gold
When a pizza maker is carjacked, the team must figure out what the perpetrators were after.